Singlewell Primary School
Sports Fixtures
Welcome to the Singlewell Sports Blog for 2024!
Here we will update you with all things sporty at Singlewell, including: competitions, PE events, lessons and any other relevant information!
Term 1
This term we have had our first football tournament! The children showed great resilience and team-work. They managed to get to the semi-final of their competition. We are very proud of their efforts! Here is a message from our captain and the rest of the team!
Captain - "It was a very good competition, we tried our hardest. We didn't get the result we wanted but we get another opportunity to play in Januaury."
A - "As goalkeeper, going to penalties was scary but I tried my hardest."
H - "We were unlucky to miss out on the final, but we were proud that we got out of our group"
A - "We tried our best, we hoped to get to the final but we go again next time!"
J - "Although we didn't win, we got a great place for our first tournament, we are really happy with the result."
This term, Year 6 have had the opportunity to take part in their Level 2 Bikeability Course. This was a very exciting, two day course that taught the children how to stay safe on the roads whilst riding bikes. They learnt about road signs and signals, which will allow them to travel to their secondary schools safely! Their instructors were very impressed with their ability and took them out on the local roads to practice their newly learnt skills!