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Singlewell Primary School

Our Dog Mentors

March Pup-date


February Pup-date


January Pup-date

All three dogs, Nala, Buzz and Lily came for their first official visit as working dogs today.  The children thoroughly enjoyed their sessions and can't wait until next week! The children taught the dogs new tricks, read to them and learnt all about their job. 

Lots of you may remember Nala, our original, much loved dog mentor, who at the grand age of 12 years old, decided to retire from mentoring. She still couldn't resist coming back to visit her favourite school, Singlewell, to see our children. She loves being read to, and so will be coming back occasionally to find a cosy spot in our library.

Lily is our newest recruit and thoroughly enjoyed meeting Singlewell's children and parents, even if we did tire her out! She is only 12 weeks old, and so her sessions will start shorter and build up to being longer. Lily will work to build bonds with our children and provide positive experiences which support the children socially, educationally, emotionally and developmentally. We look forward to seeing more of her in Term 3. 

We may even get a visit from Buzz in Term 3, Nala's friend. Buzz would have a similar role to Lily in supporting the children's emotional needs and helping them to build confidence. He is 4 years old and full of tricks, cuddles and smiles.